Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dan in Real Life Questions

2.) Parents of teenagers are often one minded and unwilling to listen to someone elses advice on how to parent. Especially not advice from a teenager. If for some reason parents decided to listen to some advice then they could benefit greatly. The first peice of asvice I would give to a parent goes back to what I said about the fact that they are one minded. I would tell them to simply listen to their childs point of veiw on things. It often happens, in my house at least, that the parent blames blames blames the child for everything when they don't even consider that maybe it isn't our fault. My second peice of advice is along the same lines. Let your child talk. You cant listen to there side if you just keep yelling. It doesnt work. My third peice of advice is to let your child know that it is okay to talk and that you wont yell at them for "back talking". These could all be summed up into one basic rule of parenting. Treat your child like a friend and look to them and not down to them. My dad is one of my best friends and because he doesnt look down at me I feel like I can tell him anything. I'm only 17 but I would asume that most parents want to be apart of there child's life. 11.) My best hiding spot as a kid playing hide and go seek was definatly an empty cabniet. When my dad moved out his kicthen was pretty empty and so was his wallet. We had a few of the basics like silverware and plates and such from his dad's abandonded mobile home but other than that we just had roman noodles and sandwhich meat. This aloud for alot of empty space and one corner of the counter had joining cabneits below so my broher Sean and I could both fit into that one at the same time. We would open and close the drawer above us that happened to hold knives and my dad would be looking for us and act like he was scared of ghosts in the appartment. Sean and I werent even little kids, we just acted like it sometimes for old times sake. 18.) Pick up lines are always pretty great. I hear alot of them from customers at work. My first couple of weeks of working a regular came in and shouted across the room "Oh my my my it's a newbie!" when he got to the counter I guess I gave him a weird look so he turned around and looked at the Ronald McDonald behind him and was like "oh I'm sorry Meggie we can talk when your husband Ronald isnt listening in". I just stood there kind of ignoring him thinking to myself why I would be married to a statue. After I took his order and asked for his name for the recipt he took my pen and wrote his number down on it and said "are you going to call me when you get out of here?" that's when I spoke back and informed him that he is older than my dad. Another time an older man came in and asked for my email and told me he would take me out bowling. After I told him that I can't go he dropped his head and walked away. Those arent really pick up lines but close enough.